Thursday 7 February 2013

Super hero assignment

What if you could look at a person and know exactly what they were thinking? For me that is a reality. I don’t know why I can, or how, but I can. I can look at a person and know what’s on their mind at this very moment. You might think this is a blessing, a gift even, but in reality its not. I hate to say that I’m ungrateful for it, but I am. I wish I could have a cool superpower like being able to fly or be invisible but no that’s not the case. I realized when I was ten that not everyone could read each others minds, in grade 5 a boy in my class was thinking some very mean things about me, I wanted to tell him I could hear what he was saying, but then it clicked, he wasn't saying them, he was thinking them. I didn't want to be known as that crazy kid growing up, who thinks he could read peoples minds, so I kept it to myself. Sure, we all go through that stage of thinking we are a superhero, that we have superpowers; I remember my older brother Fernando wore his superman costume everyday for a month, but then one day he realized he’s not so super, that superheroes don’t exist, that in fact he was just a regular human being - nothing special.

Now I’m sitting in class, looking at my paper, wondering what I should write down. Today we have a creative writing assignment on “If you could have any super power, what would it be?” The thing is I already have a superpower, one that doesn't make any sense. You aren't suppose to know what’s going on in peoples heads, and you definitely aren't supposed to think you have a superpower at the age of 16, not if your clear in the mind at least. So I guess if I could have a superpower it would be not to have a super power, to be a normal kid, who has to guess what other people thought of him, or guess what others were thinking. Logically you’d think that being able to read others minds would be great, but in actual fact it sucks. I don’t want to know what is going on in peoples heads anymore, most of the time its pretty messed up. Maybe one day I'll use it for good, become a police officer maybe, and use my so called 'gift' for good, but even then how can you justify to a jury of people that you can tell if a person is lying or not, in all honesty we all know that would be pretty tough. So maybe my best bet in life is to be doing what I've been doing all along, pretend that I’m not special, pretend that I’m just like every other high school student just trying to get by. Lamarck once said, if you don’t use your gift it will go away, and so maybe one day, I'll wake up and it’ll be gone.  

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